Friday, August 29, 2008

Democrat Convention 2008: a missed opportunity to sway the floating Jewish/Cuban voter

Why did they not have Barry Manilow singing "His name is Barack, Barack Obama"?


Anonymous said...

Why so fucing curious? that shit'll get you fucked up.

Anonymous said...

Welcome Mr Pepsy, if indeed it is your good self.

Click here for Twenty's post about coincidences.

I'm always interested in new writers...perhaps I should have said "just wondering"?

Anonymous said...

I'll give you a comment, I know you don't get many of them.

Story? Do you want me to comment on the democratic convention?

I'll have to Abstain.

How about you?

Anonymous said...

Most thoughful of you Anonymous.

I was undecided about Barack Obama, but once I saw Stevie Wonder up there I thought "Yeah, this guy must be worth voting for."

Anonymous said...

Thoughtful even.